yea.. why are we(me, kenix, justin, final, haw and other crazy ppl) crazier than usual? my crazy is really "chee sin" that crazy... every friday during Digital Media (Flash and Action Script) class, we started to go really "chee sin"... our crapping really omg... extra crap?
i think i know why... cus is the last class of the week, so all of us like can't wait for the weekend = more sleep time... other than dat, is FLASH, ACTION SCRIPT, codessssssssssss.. complicated.. everytime when we got problem of doing Flash, we start to poke, SCRATCH, SHAKE, PULL, PET, MAKE NOISE, cry? for other ppl to help us... lol... i often ask kenix for help and this week, we did the "single finger(pointer) nail scratch" to each other when we need help.. this is so lame~... but is part of release stress and make Action Script more fun.. :3
ya, my random post is also part of release stress.. ok? :3 boleh tak? :3
13 years ago
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