Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bo Peep Bo Peep!!!

one of my friend, Eddie... showed me this vid yesterday. At first i watch, i tot is Girl Generation but no lar.. is T-ara... sorry lar, not really mad with Korean, im more to jap. anyway, dia bagi saya tengok vid ini...

Honestly, i like the song, like the way they dress, like the way they dance, like the cuteness... but... ... ... ... *me and biri biri do the disgusted face* WHATS WITH THE OVER KISSING and SEXUAL SCENE! spoiled the cuteness of the songs and the image... ==... sorry, wasn't insulting but really TT... very tak ngam the song... OAO so "salty" suddenly. but this is the second or more version MV of this song lar... show you the first one..

dun care, i suka the song.. DL! lol

and one more thing...
RONNARD will be flying to JAPAN tomolo at 11.10pm to represent MALAYSIA competing in Yamaha Electone Concours!
Good Luck Bud

1 dots:

Morissette said...

bopeep bo peep bo peep ahhh~

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