Wednesday, January 19, 2011


as the locker gets deeper and heavier day by day...
been lock for almost 2 months plus...
i just want to unlock it quickly and not drag it and not increasing locks...

already starting to feel regret, why am i here...
the last chapter will just have to end it with a heavy feeling?

one thing,
look yourself into the mirror,
what do you see?
what had you turn into?
what is on your mind? others? or it is what im thinking it is... ... its just yourself?
what comes first in your mind?

been wondering about this for a very long time.
its been a long time since i last heard your concern...

just turn the long hand back,
keep turning, until you reach to chapter 4... hold it there...
lay back, think back what happen during chapter 4...
where am i? i asked again
did your tears landed on the floor or... ... on my hands?

let go of the long hand, let it spin backs to current...
think again...
yourself? others?
where are you?

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